45 Yoga Sanskrit Words For Every Aspiring Yogi and Yogini

Yoga Sanskrit Words

Yoga is an ancient practice of aligning one’s chakras and uniting the mind with the body. The yoga Sanskrit words are mentioned in the Upanishads and Vedas and it can be daunting for newcomers.

However, this blog also caters to those aspiring yogis who are willing to be seasoned yoga practitioners. Learning about asanas as well as concepts and then speaking a new lingo will instantly elevate your yoga discourse.

Therefore, this blog will deal with the basic yoga Sanskrit words for beginners and the meaning of terminologies enabling you to understand each concept. Read on to learn more about yoga Sanskrit words that are easily accessible and transformative. 


What is The Sanskrit Word For Yoga?

Sanskrit Word For Yoga

The word Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’. the word means “to yoke or unite” or “to come together as one”. It is the discipline that combines physical exercise and meditation for your soul as well as body to work in sync.

Additionally, the practice is also a conscious unison of mind, spirit, and body that will lead to a heightened sense of personal and universal awareness. 


 4 Features of Yoga:

    1. Yoga includes asanas that enhance your body’s flexibility and strength.
    2. Pranayama, also called Breath Controlling is central to yoga as it regulates the flow of energy.
    3. Meditation and yoga go hand in hand as meditation ensures mental clarity and enhances peace of mind.
    4. Yoga not only focuses on weight loss but also on creating a unified, balanced mind-body state.

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45 Basic Yoga Sanskrit Words

For those who wish to master the art of yoga, acquiring a foundational understanding of basic yoga Sanskrit words and meanings is imperative. However, yoga extends beyond physical postures i.e. asanas, and symbolic gestures i.e., mudras. The practice is also intertwined with meditation and deeply rooted in Hindu mythology. 

The following 45 essential Sanskrit yoga words for beginners offer a wholesome initiation into the multi-faceted world of yoga. These terms will also unearth the spiritual and physical dimensions inherent in yoga. It will be more beneficial for you if you are going to attend any yoga teacher training course.

1. Abhyasa: Consistently practicing an art is called Abhyasa. However, You can achieve a goal without getting bogged down.

2. Ahamkara: According to Hindu mythology, ahamkara is the concept of ego or ‘I’. A heightened sense of individuality which is not organic and may lead to arrogance.

3. Ananda: An elevated sense of pleasure, bliss, or joy is ananda. Anyone can experience it through consistent spiritual practice.

4. Asana: A physical posture in yoga is referred to as an asana. These asanas also ensure flexibility, and strength and enhance balance.

5. Ashtanga: Literal translation of “8-limbed yoga”, this term stands for the eight-limbed path defined by Patanjali. By following this path, a devoted yoga practitioner can attain enlightenment.

6. Atman: It is also called Atma, the term stands for the soul. The spiritual concept of being extends beyond the physical body as well as limitations. 

7. Bhakti: To be a bhakt is to be a devotee of the Supreme Being. Bhakti also enables a person to have an emotional connection with the divine and is a path of spiritual practice. 

8. Buddhi: Intelligence or intellect is called Buddhi in Sanskrit. It is also the understanding of your mind and a wholesome understanding of your life. 

9. Chandra: Chanda or Chandra stands for the moon. There are chandra asanas but usually, it implies a feminine energy that is coll in nature.

10. Chakra: The storehouse of energy is a chakra. Seven main chakras in the human body contribute to the physical, spiritual, and mental well-being of a human.

11. Dharma: Often used interchangeably with religion, dharma is a moral order that must be followed for spiritual learning to live ethically. 

12. Dhyana: A concept quite central to yoga is meditation or dhyana. The practice also refers to focused contemplation that leads to a higher sense of awareness.

13. Drishti: A specific focal point that helps a person concentrate and improves focussing capabilities.

14. Dukha: A negative concept in human existence. It also refers to suffering or some kind of discontent.

15. Eka: Ek or Eka stands for singularity. A concept that stands for unity as well as singularity in the yogic sciences. 

16. Granthi: Blockages of the human mind that hinder spiritual growth. Moreover, these “knots” prevent a person from completing a spiritual journey as well as cause hindrances.

17. Guru: A teacher or a guide who guides his students or ‘shisha’ to complete their spiritual journey of life.

18. Hatha: The word ‘Hatha’ has two parts. ‘Ha’ stands for the Sun and ‘Tha’ for the Moon and the point is to balance both energies. Moreover, this branch of yoga also focuses on physical postures and balanced breathing.

19. Japa: The practice of chanting a mantra or a sacred sound while meditating to feel a superior sense of comfort.

20. Karma: Actions are your karma. The meaning encompasses the cause and effect of your actions in the cycle of life.

21. Kirtan: Chanting mantras in a sing-song tone for devotional purposes. This also exudes spiritual energy as well as strengthens the relationship with God.

22. Kosha: A human comprises many layers or ‘koshas’. Each layer has a unique characteristic and all these layers make one human being.

23. Manas: Sanskrit word for mind, it is a part that stands for the inner faculties that govern a person’s thoughts and emotions.

24. Mandala: A Mandala is a perfect geometric design that signifies a universe. Focusing on a mandala enables a person to concentrate better during meditation.

25. Mantra: A hymn or a phrase that exudes positivity and is repeated for spiritual purposes. Moreover, everyone must chant these mantras while meditating.

26. Maya: Sanskrit word for illusion, it refers to the power of the mind to project a world humans are living in. The concept also refers to the fake world that attracts humans.

27. Moksha: It is also called Mukti, the concept refers to the liberation of a person from the cycle of life. A person who has attained mukti has completed his ‘tapasya’ or spiritual learning and understood the transient nature of the material world.

28. Mudra: Specific body postures and hand movements that regulate the flow of energy. Additionally, these mudras or positions are a part of all yoga asanas.

29. Namaste: Before starting any yoga exercise, joining hands and bowing slightly is called Namaste. It is also a sign of respect and recognizes the divine in other people.

30. Niyama: Personal ethical principles that govern an individual’s conduct are called Niyama. The five main Niyamas are purity (Saucha), satisfaction (Samtosha), austerity (tapas), education (Svadhyaya), and devotion to the Lord (Ishvara-Pranidhana).

31. Om: This is supposed to be the first sound when the Universe was created. The sound also arises from the naval and comes out of the mouth soothing a person completely.

32. Patanjali: The Bible for budding yoga trainers called ‘Yoga Sutras’ was written by an ancient sage called Patanjali. Moreover, his contribution to the field was remarkable.

33. Prana: The main driving force that gives a person the strength to sustain mind and body. 

34. Pranayama: A combination of positions that enable a person to control breath and regulate the breathing process for better physical and mental health.

35. Sadhana: The spiritual training a yogi receives to achieve complete enlightenment. It also includes following a disciplined routine, and working on a healthy mind and a healthy body.

36. Samadhi: Unison with the Supreme Power through meditation and yoga is called Samadhi. Additionally, it is the ultimate goal of every yogi striving for a complete life. 

37. Samsara: Change is the only permanent thing in the world. Therefore, the struggle to adjust according to changing circumstances is called Samsara. 

38. Samskara: Certain impressions of the outside world that we form in our minds based on our experiences and impressions are called Samskara.

39. Shanti: Peace, Tranquility, or Shanti is what every yogi is striving for because it is only if you are calm and peaceful that you will attain enlightenment.

40. Satsang: A gathering at a spiritual event is called Satsang. However, the literal meaning is to be in the company of truth wherein a yoga teacher is delivering a philosophical discourse.

41. Tantra: A combination of mantras, awakening chakras, and relying on Hindu mythological figures to form a connection between the Divine and the human.

42. Tapas: A concept that refers to a consistent but aggressive form of self-discipline followed by yogis. 

43. Vedas: Ancient scriptures that Hindus abide by for healthy and mindful living. There are four main Vedas: Rig Veda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda.

44. Yamas: Yamas are the five positive moral, ethical, and societal guidelines that embody behaviors and relationships reflective of the unitive state of yoga.

45. Yin: Although it is a Chinese term, it is relevant to yoga because it refers to the restorative power of asanas that focus on deep connective issues for enhanced flexibility.


Also read: Yoga Cues for Teachers – Types of Yoga Cues And How To Memorize Them



By learning these new 45 yoga Sanskrit words and meanings, we expand our vocabulary and learn to speak like a professional. Additionally, all these sacred yoga words in Sanskrit take us closer to the art and enable us to understand concepts.

Once the meaning of these words is understood and the lexicon is used in routine, only then can one understand that yoga is not only about maintaining the physical body but about adopting a holistic lifestyle.

Ankul Tiwari