Kundalini meditation helps in chakra awakening which is crucial for the well-being of man. These modifications hold significance and connection to daily life. Our current mental condition is insufficient to manage all aspects of life. The pains, and disappointments one feels are more a result of the mental reactions than the situations in life. As a result, the goal of kundalini and sushumna nadi activation is connected to daily life.
Individuals with activated kundalini chakras are better balanced in spheres of life. The mind’s frequencies shift, to make the consciousness extremely sensitive. As the mind grows, one becomes more conscious of everything, what is going on in the mind, and in the surroundings.
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is Kundalini Meditation
To practice kundalini meditation persistently, one must guide it through each chakra one by one till they reach Sahasrara. Yogis have a complete realization of their infinite nature and universal Energy at the fulfilment of this unity between Shiva and Kundalini, or cosmic energy.
As Kundalini ascends, we witness the path that unites Shiva and Shakti, transforming material energy into omnipresent awareness. From chakra to chakra, when Kundalini ascends through sushumna nadi, the intensity increases until they unite into a single, neutral reality, where dualism dissolves into oneness. Through the chakras, cosmic energy flows freely, filling them with absolute consciousness.
Also read: Beginner Practices for Kundalini Yoga
How to Practice Kundalini Chakra Meditation
- Wear loose comfortable clothing. One may also choose to cover the head to enhance and protect energy flow.
- Maintain a straight spine and sit comfortably. One may attain any mudra or the gyan mudra, which involves connecting the index finger to the thumb, to encourage wisdom, openness, and tranquillity.
- Breathe deeply into your belly.
- Inhale to expand the abdominal region and relax the abdomen with every exhale.
- Allow yourself to relax with each breath.
- Let your breath harmonize at its natural pace.
- Now bring your awareness to the body and its sensations. Feel alive in the body
- Let’s bring attention to the energy centres or chakras.
- Now one by one locate and recharge the chakras allowing them to balance in the natural order.
Mooladhara / Root Chakra
- Bring attention to the bottom of the spine.
- This is the root chakra. It is located in the perineum between the anus and genitals.
- Breathe in prana to this energy centre drawing the air deep into the belly
- Visualize red energy coming into the centre
- With each breath feel the chakra becoming stronger and stronger
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated with this chakra is lam
- Chant this mantra. Take a deep inhale and as you exhale chant Lam
- Repeat the mantra for the next few moments
- Feel the Mooladhara chakra and send love and grace to the centre
- Feel the vibration of this mantra for some time.
Swadhisthana / Sacral Chakra
- Bring attention to the spinal cord just below the navel. This is the sacral chakra.
- Feel a subtle sensation of energy here.
- Breathe in prana to this energy centre.
- Visualize the colour orange coming to the centre. Bring the centre to life.
- With each breath feel this chakra becoming stronger and stronger
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated with the chakra is Vam
- Take a deep breath and on exhalation chant Vam
- Feel the chakra as you chant
- Feel the vibration of the mantra
Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra
- Now move the awareness to the spine just above the navel
- Be patient until you feel a subtle energy of sensation here
- Breathe into the centre and feel the centre becoming alive
- Visualise the colour yellow filling up the energy centre
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated is Ram
- Take a deep inhale and as you exhale chant Ram
- Continue chanting for some time
- Feel the vibration in the energy center
Anahata / Heart Chakra
- Move your attention to the centre of the breastbone
- Visualize a green colour coming into the green centre
- Feel the centre burn up and grow bigger
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated is Yam
- As you take deep breaths chant Yam a few times
- Feel the sensation of the mantra
Vishhudha / Throat Chakra
- Bring the attention to throat chakra
- Fix the attention located behind your throat
- Visualise the colour blue filling up the energy centre
- Feel the chakra growing bigger
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated is Ham
- Chant the mantra for some time
- Feel the energy of the center
Ajna / Third Eye Chakra
- Bring the attention between your eyebrows
- Fix the attention and visualize the colour indigo
- Feel the colour in the energy centre
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated is Aum
- Chant the mantra Aum
- Feel the vibration of the mantra in the energy centre
Sahasrara / Crown Chakra
- Bring attention to the centre just above the head
- Take a few moments to fix the attention to this chakra
- Visualise the colour purple
- Feel a subtle sensation of energy
Mantra Meditation
- The mantra associated is Aum
- For the next few moments chant Aum softly
- As we end the kundalini meditation, feel a white light enter through the energy centres activating the chakras.
- Feel the energy swirl round and round connecting you with divine consciousness.
- Allow yourself to come back to the present moment by gently moving your hands and feet.
- Bring your hands up to the eyes and slowly open your eyes.
Also read: Asanas For Kundalini Chakra Awakening
Dangers Of Kundalini Meditation
It’s not necessary to begin a long meditation practice straight away if you’re new to the discipline. One may begin with a shorter meditation session and extend it as you get more comfortable. One may start with just visualizing the colours related to the chakras, then proceed to chant the beej mantra or even set intentions related to respective chakras. Kundalini awakenings are the main reason why people practice Kundalini meditation.
People describe experiencing bodily feelings like warmth, tingling, and lightheadedness during a Kundalini awakening. Practising kundalini meditation without proper preparation may lead to negative impacts as the meditation may be a very intense experience. Slowing down and practising kundalini yoga under expert guidance is recommended.
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