Inner Thigh Stretches for Beginners and Advanced Level practitioners

Stretches for Inner Thigh

The hip adductors are a collection of muscles located in the inner thighs. These inner thigh muscles can tighten over time since most everyday tasks require keeping our legs close together. As a result, the muscles cannot move throughout their whole range. A sedentary lifestyle is also one of the leading causes of the condition. Tight adductor muscles may cause back, groin, knee, and hip pain. This is where Inner thigh stretches become helpful.

Inner thigh muscles that are weak or too tight can cause pain, restricted range of motion, and even injury. Some symptoms of tight inner thigh muscles are being unable to sit comfortably with crossed legs, being limited in the range of motion of how far you can spread the legs apart while standing, not being able to sit in butterfly posture, having trouble doing a squat, ache in the groin region.

The improved range of motion lowers the chance of conditions like hip impingements and groin strains. Additionally, it encourages good pelvic alignment, which can aid with correct posture and relieve lower back aches.


Beginner-Level Stretches for Inner Thigh 

Some warm-up good stretches for inner thigh pain are as follows:

Butterfly Stretch

Butterfly Stretch - a inner thigh stretch

  1. Come to a seated position. Pull your feet’ soles together, letting your knees fall to the sides. 
  2. Hold onto the outsides of the feet. Bend slightly forward from the hips and lengthen the spine. 
  3. Now, flap the thighs like the wings of the butterfly. Perform the butterfly pose for 30 seconds.


Leg Swings

Leg Swings

  1. Stand on the feet shoulder-width apart. 
  2. Grab onto a chair or table for support as required.
  3. Raise your left leg and swing it, extending it to the side.
  4. Maintain a straight torso. Perform the stretch for 20 rounds on each side.



Malasana - a inner thigh stretch

  1. Sit as low as possible by bending your knees and placing the heel flat on the floor, slightly out from the hips.
  2. In a wide squat posture, get your buttocks as near to the floor as possible.
  3. Bend both elbows to bring both hands together in front at chest height. With elbows, gently press the knees apart.
  4. Maintain the shoulders back, stretching your spine.
  5. Hold the posture for 30 seconds. 


Reclining Angle Bound Pose

Reclining Angle Bound Pose

  1. Lie down on your back.
  2. Bent your knees sideways so that the soles of the feet touch each other. Try to bring the feet closer to your buttocks.
  3. Feel the muscles in the groin stretching as you lower your knees toward the floor.
  4. Take a deep breath and stay in this posture for 30 seconds.


Side-Lying Leg Lifts

Side-Lying Leg Lifts

  1. Lay down on your side with your foot and leg resting on the floor.
  2. Slowly raise and drop your leg in an up-down motion. Try to maintain straight knees.
  3. Repeat ten times for each leg.


Wide-Leg Side Bend

wide leg side bend yoga pose

  1. Sit with your legs wide apart in front.
  2. Bend your right knee to bring the right foot inside the left thigh.
  3. Bend the torso towards the left and reach the left knee, calf, or foot.
  4. Simultaneously, raise your right arm with your fingers pointing upwards or bend your right elbow behind your head.
  5. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.


Advanced Level Stretches for Inner Thigh

Increase the flexibility in your inner thighs by trying more challenging stretches. 

Side Lunge 

Side Lunge - strecth for inner thigh

  1. Stand with the legs wide apart. Bend your knees and sit in a squat pose.
  2. Bend the left knee and extend the right foot. 
  3. Place your hands on the floor for support.
  4. Lower your hips while bending your left knee. Maintain a straight and extended right leg.
  5. Point the right toes upward. Keep the left heel on the ground. 
  6. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.


Frog Stretch Rockbacks

Frog Stretch Rockbacks

  1. Start on all fours, and place hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips.
  2. Spread the knees apart and sit the hips back towards the heels. 
  3. Keep the ankles in line with the knees and the knees in line with the hips, spread the knees widely apart, and extend the feet.
  4. Maintain the posture for a second, then return to the tabletop position.
  5. Go back and forth for 10 rounds.
  6. For a deeper stretch, extend your arms and hold the frog pose for 30 seconds. 


Wide Leg Stretch

Wide Leg Stretch

  1. Come to a seated position. 
  2. Extend the legs and form a “V” with your legs as you gradually spread them out to the sides as wide as comfortable.
  3. Make sure your toes are pointed up at the ceiling. 
  4. Lengthen the spine.
  5. Bend forward if you are comfortable to do so. Try to maintain your spine’s length while bending forward. 
  6. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.


Benefits of Inner Thigh Stretches

Regularly practicing inner thigh stretches has many other advantages. It improves muscle movement and the overall athletic performance. The following are the main advantages of inner thigh stretches:

Increase flexibility: Lengthening the adductor muscles contributes to an increased range of motion in the hips and pelvis. Sports-related activities require a wide range of movement, which can be gained from this enhanced flexibility.

Prevent injury: Rigid inner thigh muscles might result in strain and injury. Enhancing flexibility by stretching lowers the risk of injury. Exercises that increase the range of motion help protect the body from long-term damage.

Activate muscles: Studies suggest that most people have weak adductor muscles, and these muscles impact our breathing patterns. Muscular imbalances resulting from weak glutes can also exacerbate inner thigh stiffness. Inne thigh stretches strengthen the adductor muscles’s capacity to support the hips and pelvis during movement.

Correct posture: Stretching the pelvic muscles regularly will help maintain good posture and attain better lower back alignment, easing lower back discomfort and minimizing the chance of spinal injury.

Therefore, one can increase overall athletic performance, avoid imbalances, and increase flexibility by adding focused stretches to the everyday training regimen. It is essential to stretch the inner thighs to keep the body healthy. Healthy adductors also maintain the stability of the hips, pelvis, and knees. 

Meghna Banerjee