Mastering Child Pose – Beginner’s Guide

child pose

Child pose is one of the basic yoga poses that can provide a moment of peace and relaxation. But it accomplishes more than that. It will increase flexibility and mobility in various sections of your body. 

In today’s rushing world, it is becoming hard to find a few moments to be relaxed and peaceful. Yoga is one of the ways that opens the doors to achieving inner peace and relaxation. 

It aids in reducing pain and improving your capacity to do daily activities. Here, let us learn more about child pose, including its benefits, steps to do it, customizing options, etc. 


What is a Child Pose Stretch?

The word “Balasana” is composed of two Sanskrit words. “Bala” means child, and “Asana” refers to the yoga pose. This position reflects a child is in a resting position. 

Child Pose yoga is a forward bending stretch that improves flexibility in many body regions. It also relieves stress and stiffness.

It consists of bending down on the floor, putting your weight on your heels, and bringing your torso and forehead as close to the earth as possible.  


What Muscles Does the Child Pose Focus on?

Child pose stretches multiple body areas. Any variant of yoga child pose will also give your thighs, glutes, and obliques a nice stretch.  For those asking what child pose stretches, the following anatomy will explain to you clearly:


Spine Extensors: 

During Child Pose, the spine extensors are stretched and activated. It helps release tension and stiffness in the back and spine. This enhances posture and expands the range of motion in the back and spine. 


Shoulders and neck: 

This mild stretch aids in lengthening and relaxing the shoulder and neck muscles. The base of the neck stretches as the head descends to the floor. Stretching the spine and increasing the amount of space in the shoulder region. 

The shoulders are further stretched, and tension is released as the arms are extended above the head. 



In Child Pose, the four large muscles on the front of the thighs are gently stretched. By performing this asana, you can improve your general mobility, reduce tension, and increase flexibility. 

This stretch can relieve sciatica and lower back pain, among other posture-related problems. Fold your torso forward over your bent knees to further stretch and relax this muscle group. This puts more pressure on your inner thighs, knees, and ankles.


Shins and Ankles:

Child pose is a terrific way to stretch the ankles and shins, which helps release tension in the lower leg muscles. For best stretching of the entire lower leg, from the calves to the Achilles tendon, it is crucial to maintain the feet flat on the floor with wide apart toes when executing this pose.  


Steps to do Child Pose

Steps to do Child Pose

Those who need assistance in how to do child pose, follow the steps below: 

Step 1. Start from the table pose. Put your knees together or slightly apart if it is more comfortable. 

Step 2. Exhale as you lower your hips to your heels and your forehead to the floor. 

Step 3. The arms might be positioned along the side of the body with the palms facing up, overhead with the palms on the floor. Or with the palms or fists piled beneath the forehead. 

Step 4. As you inhale, actively squeeze your belly against your thighs while taking a slow, deep breath. 

Step 5. For 4–12 breaths, try to hold your breath. 

Step 6. To exit this pose, tuck your palms beneath your shoulders and take a calm, deep breath to the point of sitting.   


Also read: A Complete Guide on Vajrasana


Benefits of Child pose

benefits of Child Pose

Child pose benefits your body in many ways. It releases tension from the muscles and enhances mobility and flexibility. There are a lot of possible advantages to doing this exercise, some of which are listed below:

  • Taking a small break from sitting and standing all day 
  • Reducing stress following the lifting and hauling of large goods 
  • Reduction of hamstring, shoulder, and back discomfort 
  • Hip flexor stretches are crucial if you spend much time sitting down. 
  • Keeping your hips and pelvis from becoming stiff  

Also read: Benefits of Bridge Pose


Modifications in Child Pose

Modifications in Child Pose

To make this child pose stretch easier, follow the steps below: 

  • If kneeling bothers you, place some cushioning under your lower body, such as a pillow. 
  • Try not to move your head or chest all the way toward the floor.
  • Instead, practice standing in a Child pose, which is bending forward from a standing position, bringing your torso toward your thighs, and resting your hands on a counter or the back of a chair. 

To make it even harder, stick to the following steps:

  • Raise your hands by putting them on a towel or blanket that has been rolled up or by bringing your fingertips to the ground. You have even more space to spread out as a result. 
  • While keeping your spine long and extended, try raising your forehead just a little bit off the mat. It takes more strength and stability to maintain the pose after using your core muscles.    


Common Mistakes and Misalignments 

A common mistake in doing Balasana is a lack of flexibility in the hips and back muscles. If there is too much strain on the neck and shoulders, the forehead may not even touch the floor. 

Many individuals relax too much and fail to breathe deeply. This reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the muscles and lowers oxygen flow throughout the body. 

Another pitfall is losing your attention and inner awareness. Make sure that every breath in this asana increases your awareness and builds your connection to your inner self. 


Wrapping Up 

Practising Child Pose offers many benefits for both the body and mind. It is a valuable addition to anybody’s yoga or fitness routine. 

While regularly practicing it, you will get mindfulness to let you refresh. A Child pose isn’t just a physical posture anymore. It is a necessity for a holistic being. 

Prabhakaran Balu
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