Yoga for Health

Yoga Poses For Bloating & Gas

Yoga Poses For Bloating

Yoga helps to promote movement and reduce stress, which helps to relax the nervous system and stimulate the digestive organs. Some yoga poses for bloating help to break maladaptive habits and facilitate a smoother functioning of the system. Poor dietary habits in modern-day society may lead to some of the most common digestive conditions like […]

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Yoga Poses For Period Cramps – Restorative Poses and Breathing Exercises

yoga for period cramps

Menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea refers to severe lower abdominal pain during periods. Menstrual cramps are caused by the uterus contracting forcefully to expel the uterine lining. This leads to abdominal cramps. The blood and tissue eliminated from the vagina throughout the menstrual cycle is the uterine lining. Usually, the pain starts a day or two

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Yoga For Shoulder Pain – Poses and Benefits

yoga for shoulder pain

Spinal alterations, swelling, or injury around the rotator cuff may bring on shoulder discomfort. As a result, movement of the arm forward or backward becomes restricted.  Joint arthritis, shoulder dislocation, frozen shoulder, nerve injury, muscle tension, and poor posture might be some of the common causes of shoulder pain. Yoga for shoulder pain uses a

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Yoga for Asthma – Poses and Breathing Techniques

yoga for asthama

How Asthma Affects Chronic asthma is a lung illness that produces periodic episodes of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. It narrows and irritates the airways by contraction of the smooth muscle in the bronchioles. In most individuals, there is a sudden onset of cold symptoms, such as nasal congestion and sneezing. As

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Yoga for Chronic Pain Relief – Gentle Poses and Breathing Techniques

Chronic pain

Persistent pain that lasts longer than expected to recover is referred to as chronic pain. Acute pain may last for several weeks, months, or even years. Several things, such as wounds, inflammation, nerve damage, and other diseases, may cause chronic pain. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, and chronic back pain are some of the common disorders.

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Yoga for Digestion: Poses, Breathing Techniques & Mindful Eating

yoga poses for improve digestion

Yoga for Digestion The positive impact of yoga on digestion is plenty. An essential part of our general health and well-being is digestion. It is the procedure by which our body converts food into nutrients that may be absorbed and used for development, repair, and energy. We benefit from enhanced immunological response, greater energy levels,

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Inner Thigh Stretches for Beginners and Advanced Level practitioners

Stretches for Inner Thigh

The hip adductors are a collection of muscles located in the inner thighs. These inner thigh muscles can tighten over time since most everyday tasks require keeping our legs close together. As a result, the muscles cannot move throughout their whole range. A sedentary lifestyle is also one of the leading causes of the condition.

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