The best Books for yoga teacher training can give the practical practices a strong basis and context, which improves the knowledge and overall quality of the instruction.
Yoga is a broad discipline. Books offer a way to continue learning and advance professionally. By reading books one may remain up to date on the latest findings, fashions, and practices. To become a competent yoga instructor, one must have both practical experience and academic understanding.
Books also allow yoga instructors to review and strengthen their comprehension of certain asanas, sequences, anatomy, and philosophy.
It is particularly useful for getting ready for class or answering inquiries from students. These are some of the best yoga books for yoga teacher training programs.
Table of Contents
Books for Yoga Teacher Training
Books encourage self-paced learning. It’s possible that some people may rather study yoga postures, philosophy, and practices more slowly or in-depth.
The following books provide readers with the freedom to revisit content whenever necessary, enabling a customized educational experience.
Hatha Yoga Books
Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Svatmarama

One of the three main ancient literature on hatha yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. The word pradipika means “to illuminate.” The book draws on ancient Sanskrit writings, the teaching of renowned teachers, and the personal yogic experiences of Swami Swatamarama.
The primary objective of the text is to shed light on Hatha yoga physical practice, and discipline and combine them with Raja Yoga.
Hatha yoga is the foundation for learning raja yoga. Raja Yoga emphasizes self-control and discipline, both of which need intense focus. That can only be attained by following the hatha yoga route.
The four portions of hatha yoga pradipika are devoted to eliminating toxins from the body. Asana, shatkarmas and pranayama, mudra and bandhas, and samadhi (enlightenment) comprise the four divisions. By controlling the body’s energy or prana we may manage to control our minds to reach samadhi.
Anatomy And Physiology Books
Anatomy And Physiology Of Yogic Practices – M.M. Gore

The book deals with the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. The book for yoga teacher training gives an idea about the fundamental composition and functions of the body.
It also helps to understand the principles of yoga and the physiological consequences that pose have on the body. With the use of scientific knowledge, one can implement yoga activities correctly.
The first section of the book covers the fundamental anatomy and physiology—which is crucial to comprehend. the workings of yoga practices.
The second section of the book explains the conventional techniques of asanas, pranayamas, bandhas, mudras, and kriyas, as well as their possible application, limitations, and contra-indications.
Science Of Yoga – Ann Swanson

This book illustrates 30 asanas in detail, with CGI artworks illuminating the mechanics of the pose. There are 16 spreads with comprehensible scientific facts and studies that address issues regarding ancient and contemporary claims.
It also illustrates how yoga improves each system of the human body. The science of yoga explains how the blood flow, breathing muscles, and joint functions for each yoga pose. It is an easy read on the effects of yoga on the human body from a scientific perspective.
Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews

This book gives an idea about how certain muscles react to joint movements in breathing and poses. How changing the alignment of a pose may increase or decrease its efficacy.
The chapter includes the muscular and skeletal system, the role of the nervous system in our body, disc anatomy, back pain, and each posture, and that explains the relationship between breathing and movement.
Also read: How to Become a Yoga Instructor
Yin Yoga Books
The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga – Bernie Clark

The book offers a thorough analysis of the theory and application of yin yoga along with illustrations. Yin yoga focuses on the deeper levels of the body, heart, and mind.
It works on the meridians, the circulatory system, the nerves, and the connective tissues of ligaments, joints, and bones. The long-held, passive character of the pose allows for a deeper journey to develop.
The yoga postures highlight the benefits of each pose, contraindications, and warnings for people who might struggle with specific aspects of the pose.
Yoga Philosophy Books
Patanjali Yoga Sutras

The Yoga Sūtra is a foundational text by Sage Patanjali who is known as the father of yoga. The 196 verses of the book are divided into four sections.
They are Samadhi pada (Enlightenment), Sadhana pada (practice), Vibhuti pada (accomplishments), and Kaivalya pada (absoluteness).
Similarly, comments on yoga sutras are elucidations and perspectives on Patanjali sutras by recognized authorities within the yoga community.
There are many commentaries on the Patanjali Yoga Sutra for a better understanding. A well-written commentary illuminates the original text’s background and underlying significance.
Some of the best commentaries on Patanjali Yoga Sutra are by Sri Swami Satchidananada, Swami Vivekananda, and BKS Iyengar.
Bhagavad Gita

Many people consider the Bhagavad Gita to be the most influential philosophical literature that has shaped spiritual thinking and living.
The Bhagavad Gita is a 700-verse section of the Mahabharata. The Gita is a lengthy monologue in which Lord Krishna speaks to his disciple Arjuna before a battle. Krishna gives Arjuna advice on how to carry out his responsibilities and realize Dharma.
Since the battlefield is typically seen as a metaphor for life’s moral and ethical challenges, the Bhagavad Gita provides the best roadmap for self-realization. It shows the fundamental character of man, his surroundings, and his connection with the Almighty.
The Swami Sivananda commentary (Divine Life Society Rishikesh) is a good place to start for beginners. Bhagavad Gita by Penguin Classics by Juan Mascaro aims to comment, on the spiritual message of the Gita in English. It is easy for a beginner to understand.
Bhagavad Gita translated by Eknath Easwaran believes that the Gita is a manual for self-realization and a set of guidelines for conduct that may benefit any person seeking God, regardless of their personality or method of inquiry.
Another popular one is Bhagavad Gita As It Is. It is the version of the timeless classic as presented by ISKCON founder Swami Prabhupada. This version facilitates a greater comprehension of the profound lessons of the Bhagwad Gita by providing readers with an easy-to-understand interpretation of the everlasting wisdom contained within.
Yamas And Niyamas – Deborah Adele

This book examines the first two limbs of the eight-fold path of yoga sutras, which is the foundational literature for classical yoga.
They are regarded as the cornerstone of all yogic philosophy and the rules of the yoga lifestyle, empowering people to take charge of their lives, guiding them in the direction of their desired fulfillment, and providing them with the ability to make decisions about their attitude, thoughts, and actions.
Mindfulness Meditation Books
Mindfulness For Beginners – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Imagine being able to significantly alter your life simply by practicing mindfulness in your breathing. This book examines five guided meditations that take you through the core principles of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a treatment provided in hospitals and clinics worldwide.
It also helps you to develop the Seven Essential Attitudes of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, which serve as the cornerstone for practicing mindfulness and accepting things as they are.
The book for yoga teacher training helps to break free from constricting viewpoints and deepen your relationship with your limitless awareness.
Yoga Therapy Books
Yogic Management Of Common Diseases – Dr. Swami Karmananda

This book addresses 36 common illnesses that impact the human body. Basic details are given on each condition’s causes and effects from both a medical and yogic perspective.
A comprehensive management is also included for each disease, along with the most recent medical advice, dietary suggestions, and other details. This book presents a yogic approach to illness management and health restoration.
Also read: 45 Yoga Sanskrit Words For Every Aspiring Yogi and Yogini
Kundalini Yoga Books
Kundalini Tantra – Satyananada Saraswati

This book for yoga teacher training is a great start for a beginner who wants to learn about kundalini yoga. defines kundalini and gives a thorough description of kundalini awakening, including symptoms, consequences, and techniques for both inducing and managing the experience.
Each chakra is thoroughly explained in the book, along with its importance in tantric and yoga practices. To prepare for the ascent of Kundalini Shakti and to achieve better harmony in mind, body, and spirit, techniques are taught to balance each center. A comprehensive explanation of the 20 kriyas and their preceding exercises is also provided.
Ayurveda Books
Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing – Vasant Lad

For individuals seeking more harmony, and longevity, Ayurveda offers wisdom that has been tried and tested over many years. It speaks to every aspect and feature of human existence.
Ayurveda, has its principles and practical applications explained in this book. This book provides a detailed explanation of the history, philosophy, basic concepts, diagnostic methods, therapy, nutrition, food antidotes; and much more.
For further clarification, the book is accompanied by over fifty charts, diagrams, and tables in addition to an index and glossary.
Teaching Methodology Books
Teaching Yoga- Mark Stephens

Teaching Yoga is a vital tool for all yoga students and instructors who wish to improve their abilities and understanding. This book for yoga teacher training is perfect since it covers every single one of the teacher training curriculum criteria established by Yoga Alliance.
The book covers basic topics of yoga philosophy and history, drawing on a wide range of viewpoints. It also presents the classical yoga literature in a historical context, including the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
A brief history of each of the main modern yoga styles is also provided. The book covers both conventional and contemporary anatomy and physiology, offering guidance for teaching 108 yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation.
It also guides on how to organize a classroom, schedule, and conduct lessons, as well as how to become a teacher and support oneself in the field.
- Vibhuti Pada – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Chapter 3 - May 24, 2024
- Sadhana Pada – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Chapter 2 - April 20, 2024
- Samadhi Pada: The First Chapter Of Patanjali Yoga Sutras - April 18, 2024